Hosting Families for the Holidays

·October 24, 2022·Blog, New Homes, Uncategorized·2 min·

The holidays are an exciting and busy time for many. […]

The holidays are an exciting and busy time for many. Between celebrating and visiting family, it is common to get overwhelmed and feel unprepared if you’re hosting loved ones. These tips for hosting family will make the season a little merrier and brighter for you and your house guests. 

Stock the pantry and fridge

Grocery shopping before the festivities begin will save a lot of time when you’re ready to prepare food. Additionally, having a stocked pantry and fridge allows your guests the opportunity to help themselves to snacks and drinks between meal times. 

Declutter space

Chances are your family doesn’t want to feel like intruders or burdens, so ensuring they have adequate space for their things is going to make them feel welcomed and at home. Whether this is tidying up the guest bedroom or bathroom, it’s a nice idea to make sure they and their belongings have allotted space. 

Dedicate space for shoes and coats

Having a designated area for guests’ shoes and coats will keep things organized and less cluttered. Whether this is in your laundry room or a foyer, inform your guests where they can store these belongings. 

Host games and activities

While it’s nice to have downtime and go with the flow, it’s also fun to have some games or activities available for guests during free time. Whether it is playing cards, board games, puzzles, or going on an outing, a few planned events can be nice opportunities for quality time and bonding. 

Adopt a team mentality

Even if you are the host, don’t feel like you must do everything by yourself. Be open to accepting help from your guests – especially when they offer. Not only does this alleviate stress from you, but it also helps your guest feel useful and productive during their visit. 

Hosting family during the holidays can be an equally exciting and overwhelming time. Employing these ideas can make the holidays that much more enjoyable for everyone. 

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